Robert Ballard Net Worth

Have you ever heard of Robert Ballard? If you haven’t, he is a very famous underwater archaeologist who has discovered many famous shipwrecks. In this blog post, I’m going to discuss his life and some of his wealth. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Robert Ballard’s Education, Career

Robert Ballard is a world-renowned oceanographer who is best known for his work in discovering the wreckage of the Titanic. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1942, Ballard grew up with a love of the sea. After attending the University of California, Berkeley, he enrolled in the Navy’s Officer Candidate School. He went on to serve as a lieutenant commander in the Navy, and it was during his time in the service that he first became interested in oceanography. After earning his doctorate from the University of Rhode Island, Ballard began working at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where he would make some of his most important discoveries. In 1985, he led an expedition that located the remains of the Titanic, and he has since gone on to uncover numerous other shipwrecks and underwater features.

Robert Ballard Net Worth

How much is Robert Ballard’s Net Worth?

Robert Ballard is an American oceanographer who is best known for his role in the discovery of the Titanic. In addition to his work as an oceanographer, Robert Ballard is also a professor at the University of Rhode Island and the president of the Ocean Exploration Trust. Robert Ballard’s net worth is estimated to be $10 million. Robert Ballard has made his money through a combination of his salaries, book sales, and speaking engagements.


Robert Ballard is a renowned oceanographer and explorer who has made many significant contributions to the field of marine archaeology. He is most famous for his discovery of the wreck of the Titanic in 1985. Throughout his career, Robert Ballard has shown a passion for exploration and education, making him one of the most respected oceanographers in the world.